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While your situation may seem overwhelming right now, take the first step with a simple pregnancy test. Start with a free pregnancy test at Options Pregnancy Resources. We’re here to help and offer insight along the way. 

How Pregnancy Tests Works

Are you experiencing a missed period? Moodiness? Tender breasts or nausea (with or without vomiting)? These are all symptoms of a possible pregnancy. To be sure, take a self-administered pregnancy test with our team today.

 Pregnancy tests work by detecting the presence of a hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG). There are both urine and blood pregnancy tests, but most tests measure the amount of HCG in your urine and show you the results right away.

Timing Matters

Timing matters when it comes to taking a pregnancy test, as it takes time to accurately detect HCG in your body. Begin with a pregnancy test after your first missed period for the most accurate results. When taking a pregnancy test too soon, you could get a false negative.

According to the Mayo Clinic, you should wait until at least a day after your first missed period to take a pregnancy test for the most accurate results. If you still think you’re pregnant after receiving a negative pregnancy test result, take another one a week after your period for the most accurate results.

Free Pregnancy Tests

We offer self-administered pregnancy tests so you can get clarity about your pregnancy. If you do test positive with us, we recommend an ultrasound as your next step to pregnancy confirmation. We can explore all your pregnancy options with you as well.

Schedule a free pregnancy test appointment. You can trust that our team has your best interest in mind and that everything is kept confidential.

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